Management Organization in a Big Team

We have 30 engineers doing different processes. Unit Manager and Team leaders was cooperating on projects, as work increased and team members increased, we felt we should have dedicated project managers. Project Managers should apply professional project management discipline.

We organized the unit as following:

Team 1 (e.g. Hardware Team)
Team 2 (e.g. Software Team)
Team 3 (e.g. Product Development Services for issues like sourcing, manuals)
Team 4 (e.g. Testing Team for quality of products)
Team 5 (Project Management Team)
Team 6 (Quality Team for quality of the processes)

Here I am explaining each manager responsibilities.

Project Manager Responsibilities: (focus on projects and tasks on the short term)
– Project initiation
– Project planning
– Project execution and tracking
– Project closure (to collect lessons learnt and evaluate everything)

Team Manager Responsibilities: (focus on improving team quality/productivity on the medium/long term)
– Processes: e.g. develop/evaluate work procedures
– Tools and Technologies: Research to adapt tools and technologies to improve quality and productivity; e.g. version control or email system.
– Team Development: e.g. Satisfaction, morale, hiring, evaluation, and training

With the Team Manager focus on team development and maintenance to gain quality and productivity, and with project manager focus on projects and tasks on the long term, everyone has his focus that will lead to organization success. In case of conflict that can not be resolved within the team, an escalation procedure is followed.

As project management practices became mature nowadays, every efforts in the organization should be managed as a project.
