Prepare to be a Champion: Dream . Plan . Execute . Achieve!

Prepare to be a Champion: Dream . Plan . Execute . Achieve! ®
Dream….BIG! The many GREAT people that we all remember were initially average people who simply had a dream!
Plan…..individual and team short/long term goals for your own personal and team success.
Execute….. the plan with a commitment to excellence.
Every DAY is an opportunity to WIN!” – Martinov
Achieve….in many more ways than you ever expected!
During the process of preparing to be a champion, we must develop the necessary skills to become the best at what we hope to accomplish. The term “prepare” signifies the importance of how we all are constantly preparing for something in life . . . preparation is ongoing. Whether we take action or not, we are making a statement of how our future will unfold.
“Prepare to be the best in everything you do!”
Becoming a Champion is obviously the mantle for success. A person’s expectations can pave the road to individual success or failure. Because, if you think you are beaten…then you are. You’ve got to think high to rise before you can ever win a prize. For out in the world, you will find success begins with a person’s will, it’s all in a state of mind. And, sooner or later, the person who wins is the person who thinks he can!!
Develop your own personal 3 Ps:
“The Power to Pursue your Passion”
Dream BIG, make a plan of both short/long-term goals for your own personal success, execute the plan with a commitment to excellence and you will achieve in many more ways than you ever expected!

Your personal success begins by expecting great things of yourself as a person, a teammate, and as a leader of others.
Leadership is . . . . . inspiring others to excel through personal courage”

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