Category: Agile

  • Agile Team Estimation Game, Make it Simple and Fun

    From my experience in coaching Scrum for several teams, while we are doing release planning, I found a problem in two main parts, the first is in user story writing workshops, and the second is in sizing user stories. Both activities consume a lot of time and really exhausting. I think user story writing workshops…

  • Test Driven Development and User Stories

    In a presentation held to one of my companies I consulted, the overall cycle of TDD is not clear, I draw this diagram to explain the relation between story development and the TDD cycle. It helped the audience to grasp the idea easily. The other process is when dealing with bugs, for each bug follow…

  • Eclipse Process Framework (EPF) Agile Practices

    This website lists all the practices included in the Eclipse Process Framework. It is intended to be used by a process engineer to learn about the practices in order to make decisions about which practices to include in a process configuration. This set is based on Agile, and it is excellent source of quality material…