Category: Lean Thinking

  • Eclipse Process Framework (EPF) Agile Practices

    This website lists all the practices included in the Eclipse Process Framework. It is intended to be used by a process engineer to learn about the practices in order to make decisions about which practices to include in a process configuration. This set is based on Agile, and it is excellent source of quality material…

  • SECC and Agile Conference

    SECC has organized Agile conference in Grand Hyaat, Cairo, Egypt. For more details visit: I note that, some of the presenters gave the impression that Agile is anti process which I believe is false. XP and Scrum are processes. May be flexible and lean processes but still are processes. I like the idea I learned…

  • Code Reviews Considered Hurtful!

    Code Reviews Considered Hurtful, why? First, read this link from extreme programming website: The same principle applies to any project artifact review, whatever it is requirements document, design document or plans. What is we should stress is collaboration on the artifacts with all involved people and all people who could give feedback per their…

  • Defect tracking tools and waste

    Defect tracking tools and waste from AGILE IN ACTION by Defects are waste. User stories with known defects aren’t done and can’t be released, they’re partially complete work or inventory, and they are waste too. If you’re using a defect tracking tool you’re queuing up waste and you’re inspecting for quality after the code’s…

  • No More Quality Initiatives

    This post is copied from: About 6 month’s back we [Microsoft Visual Studio Team System] hosted a meeting of our customer advisory council. This is a hand picked group of people who help to steer our product. They all know who they are, so I don’t need to name names. Many of them read…

  • Principles of Lean Thinking

    One of my relatives attended a training in London about Lean Thinking, although my friend’s domain is aircraft maintenance, I was surprised by the amount of his excitement. I decided to do a little research to know what is the point and know if something similar exist in software development domain. After a little research…

  • Agile CMMI: No Oxymoron

    …CMMI (1.2) focuses on learning at the organizational level (and provides both project-based and organizationally based mechanisms for such learning). But some organizations implementing CMMI struggle to create the necessary environment and infrastructure for individual and team empowerment. TSP provides a “how to” solution consisting of team roles and other guidance that directly implement most…