My First CMMI Appraisal
Last week I spent 8 days in a small company appraisal, one day as a readiness check, then two days as a pre-appraisal training, and 5 days in formal CMMI 1.2 appraisal as an ATM (Appraisal Team Member). In the readiness check, we reviewed the PIIDs document and other documents. PIIDs is an excel sheet…
10 Tips to Improve Your Blog and Website
Here are 10 tips to improve your blog, I already did it on my blog in the last few weeks and now sharing it. Although these tips are used in my Blogger account that is based on the new Layout design, many of them are applicable to any other blog or website. Here are the…
News Website Basic Features
Modern news websites must have basic features to let users’ life easier, here is a list of those features: 1) Search Page: Search page that uses Search Engine that return fast search hits, and rank the search results. Google right now offer search through a specific website using the keyword site:sitename.com, where sitename.com is the…
Open Source Presentation
I have created a presentation about open source software, it was a 2.5 hours presentation. You can reuse it from http://www.amadsoft.com/ahm507/Open Source Software.odp The presentation is in Open Document format, you can open it with Open Office, download and use Open Office from http://www.openoffice.org/. Open Document Format is a standard open format for any office…
TrueDownload, Truly a Nice Tool
What is download manager?: A download manager is a computer program designed to download files from the Internet, unlike a web browser, which is mainly intended to browse webpages on the World Wide Web (with file downloading being of secondary importance). There are several things that some web browsers are not very good at. That’s…
What is Website Feed?
When website publish updates frequently such as news sites or blogs, how could visitors track new updates on that website?, they have to periodically visit the website to see if there exist any updates, this is not a systematic approach and not also convenient. In our busy world, many times you will forget and miss…
Access Your POP3 Email Accounts
If you are abroad and want to read you POP3 email, you can visit http://mail2web.com/, write username and password and instantly you are able to access your email. mail2web.com is simple, fast, free, and requires no registration. From ahm507.blogspot.com
Samba Made Easy
Windows servers are now widespread, although Linux is having a strong ground everyday, you always have to deal with networks that have Windows clients and servers, Samba is the ideal solution on Linux to let it coexist with Windows without any trouble. What I want to mention is the availability of quality books from samba.org…
Google Translate in More Languages!
Google has a translate service, when you select a URL to translate, a new page from Google will show up and display the original page translated. The new page have all URLs transformed so that, when you click it, it will show a translated version from the original page. This is just like what Sakhr…
Dictionaries for the Non-English Speakers
In our day to day tasks we make a lot of Internet research, Google helped us to get our target in the first page of search hits, and many times in the first hit. For researchers with English language as a second language, a dictionary is essential to make comprehension easier. Online Users:For the online…
Access All Your Chat Accounts From One Website
There is a nice website that let you access all your chat accounts even if they are blocked by your local network firewall. Have a look at it at http://www.meebo.com/ From ahm507.blogspot.com
Is Open Source The Answer to ERP?
Is Open Source the Answer to ERP? A growing number of mid-market CIOs (Chief Information Officer) say yes.In the wake of recent ERP vendor consolidation, open source promises flexibilityfor the future. Plus it fits the need to customize affordably.http://www.cio.com/archive/021507/tec_opensource.html From ahm507.blogspot.com
Open Source ERP
I am researching Enterprise Resource Planning systems, I found a very good definition on wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enterprise_resource_planningI found also a list of open source vendors: Adempiere Apache OFBiz Compiere ERP5 GNU Enterprise SQL Ledger WebERP Look also at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ERP_vendors I am going to install the open source systems on my local machine and study them,…
One Great Bundle, Apache, PHP, MySql, …
I always have trouble configuring php with Apache on Windows, manyversions with many differences, actually I spent a lot of timedisappointed and unable to get things working. I finally found a greatbundle that save a lot of time, with one setup file you will be able toinstall Apache, php, mysql, sqlitemanager, phpmyadmin configured andworking properly.…
CMM for Small Organizations
At first, you could believe CMMI is only for large organizations, of course it should be capable to help big organizations, but what about small businesses. There exist many articles about CMM/CMMI for small organizations, just google with the phrase “CMMI for Small Organization” and you will find useful papers and articles.One of the early…
NTC, the National Telecommunications Holding Corporation (Egypt)
It is the first time to know about this large Egyptian holding company. About NTC:National Telecommunications Holding Corporation (NTC) was established in 1995 as a technology-based holding company operating in the Telecommunications and Information Technology fields in Egypt and the Middle East. NTC has grown since to become a conglomerate encompassing subsidiaries in Telecommunications Services,…
Comparative Survey of Java Obfuscators
This is a nice comparison of Java obfistication tools, I used it inobfisticating a desktop software. http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~cthombor/Students/hlai/hongying.pdf <http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/%7Ecthombor/Students/hlai/hongying.pdf> If the link is broken, googling by the title will get the report to you. From ahm507.blogspot.com
Principles of Lean Thinking
One of my relatives attended a training in London about Lean Thinking, although my friend’s domain is aircraft maintenance, I was surprised by the amount of his excitement. I decided to do a little research to know what is the point and know if something similar exist in software development domain. After a little research…